Monthnotes: June 2023

Hot hot heat

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Hotted June on record for the UK. It certainly felt like it.

Everything’s fine.

It was Lila’s birthday right at the start of the month, when we were in Manchester. It was hot there, but nice to wonder round all the breweries and enjoy the weather. The warmth continued right into the next 2 weeks.

Mobile madness

I spent most of the month working on getting a mobile MVP of CastRooms working. It was a big challenge, but I learnt a lot about browser behaviour on mobile devices. The M for us in MVP meant that we don’t have Twilio video calling working yet, but that’s future Tommy’s problem.

Old friends and late nights

The weekend after Manchester I went to a Deliveroo reunion at one of our old haunts in Fitzrovia. It was for the 10th anniversary of the company. I spent 5 years there, so there were a lot of familiar faces. I’m still good friends with a few of them, who I see every few weeks. It was really nice to catch up with people and find out what everyone is up to.

That night I was playing a set at a friend’s 40th birthday. So after a load of daytime pints I went home, ate some food, and had a disco nap before heading back out near midnight. It was at an old strip club in Shoreditch - which is now just a regular nightclub. She rented the basement function room. Pole still in the centre and little booths at the side for lap dances. Certainly up there with one of the stranger venues I’ve played at.

Field party

Another busy weekend had my flying back to Belfast on Thursday for a packed itinerary. My parents were away at the weekend, so I fit in some time to see them along with other family and old friends.

We went to a new pub, or new to me anyways - The Reporter.

Situated in an area which previously housed the various newspaper offices in the area (The Reporter. Get it?) it had walls full of newspaper clippings and photos of presumably some previous regulars.

A glass with some shifty eyes A newspaper front page in a frame reporting Mussolini's resignation A Paddy losty lookalike

Some photos from the night

It also had Neck Oil for £3.80, so it was light on the wallet.

The primary reason for being there was to go to a friend’s family farm and drink with a pile of lads. Good wholesome fun of getting drunk and sitting around a fire. The weather even held out. It was probably some of the best weather I’ve seen in Ireland.

Everything’s fine.

Honourable mentions

  • BBQs with friends are nice. We hosted a few and went to a few.
  • I’m still playing lots of Zelda. I’ve finished the 4 temples, but have no plans on ending the story for myself any time soon.
  • I played a little bit of the new season of Halo Infinite. I’m still enjoying it, but if I can ony play for 10 minutes sometimes it’s not enough time to find a game and have fun.
  • We watched all of Long Way Round, Long Way Down, and just this week, Long Way Up. Now I want to go and travel/cycle/motorbike round the world all the time.
  • We also rinsed Silo, so by the time the finale was up we were up to date. It’s good. Amazing set design. Everything looked like you’d expect if you were living in a Vault-tec Vault.
  • I listened to Behind The Bastards’ episodes on Vince McMahon of WWF/E and Stockton Rush of the recent Titanic sub disaster. Insane and funny in equal measures.

An extra honorable mention to me, for writing a blog post this month that wasn’t Monthnotes - Feeds for the soul.